UBSS Facilities

The Stables

These are the rooms given to us by the University, to house our Museum and Library. After a great deal of work by many UBSS members, the rooms were officially opened by Sir John Wills in 1992.

The Library

This houses one of the finest collections of caving books and journals in the country. We obtain a great many British and foreign publications by way of exchanging our Proceedings for the journals produced by other clubs and organisations. As a consequence, new material is always being added to the library. We also have a large number of cave surveys and a good collection of maps, covering in particular, Mendip and Co.Clare, Ireland. Also, a unique set of aerial photographs of Mendip, taken some years ago. New caving books are constantly being added to the library and you will also be able to find guide books and information on most caving and mining areas in this country and abroad. Books and other materials may be borrowed by members, with the exception of some unique and valuable items, but everything borrowed must be signed out by a committee member in the book provided and may not be kept for longer than four weeks. Journals may not be borrowed, except by special arrangement with the librarian. A copy of the library rules is on display in the ‘Stables’. Copies of some of the material published by UBSS is also on sale via the Library. Our librarian is always willing to help anyone doing research, so if you require specific information, ask, and if we haven’t got what you want, we can probably point you in the right direction.

The Museum

The UBSS Museum. ©  Graham Mullan

The UBSS Museum. © Graham Mullan

The Museum contains a very good collection of material mainly from the Mendip area, which is available to anyone studying the local prehistoric and Roman periods. There is also an excellent comparative bone collection - useful for discovering what really is in those hall meals! Members of the Society have been involved in, amongst other things, excavations at Gough’s cave in Cheddar, at Westbury-sub-Mendip Quarry and at Fishmonger’s Swallet in South Gloucestershire.

There is now an excellent display of some of our best material on the ground floor. Anybody is most welcome to come and view the museum - it is best to contact our curator, Linda Wilson, to find the best time. There is still work continuing on the collection, sometimes on Tuesday nights before meeting in the pub, so if you feel like helping, do come along.

Further information about the Society’s Museum collection and its archaeological work can be found on this page.

Tackle Store and Workshop

The UBSS has a store on the ground floor of the Union, for the storage of tackle etc. Access to the store can be gained by asking a member of the Committee

The Hut

The Hut is arguably the Society’s oldest asset, having been in our hands since New Year’s Eve 1919. It is been modified and updated many times since and now boasts hot & cold running water, electric lighting (if we remember the genny) and beautiful country views. It is an ideal base for caving trips in the Burrington area, especially. It is the setting for the annual Bonfire Party on a weekend close to Nov. 5th and for our annual New Year’s Eve Dinner, an event that has (thus far) taken place every year since 1919.

It is only available for use by members, but all members are welcome to use it. for details of access and fees, ask a member of the Committee.