Proceedings of the UBSS

front cover of proceedings

Proceedings is the academic expression of the UBSS. Published during the autumn term, Proceedings covers all aspects of cave and karst, including geomorphology, cave biology, prehistory and the history of cave studies. Since 1919 the society has produced articles following a continued policy of publishing its work, with only sporadic interruptions during the 1930s and the war years.

Our authors are academic staff, students and members with international authority on a range of relevant subjects. Proceedings is one of the few caving journals to have been professionally printed and bound and one of the few where all of the papers are refereed by independent experts before acceptance. Our Editor, is happy to offer his assistance to potential authors, especially those who may not have submitted to this type of journal previously.

Open Access and Online Publication

The Society, its Committee and its Editor, are fully behind the principle of giving as much and as easy access as we can to the papers that we publish in our Proceedings. Given the ever-increasing costs involved in print publications, on the one hand, and the requirements of many grant-giving bodies that papers be made open-access on publication, on the other, it has been decided that from Volume 30 (1) due to be produced in 2025, we shall be publishing primarily online, on this website. For those who wish to keep to paper, issues will also be made available through a Print on Demand supplier.

All articles previously published on paper will be available as pdf downloads from this website, at no charge. The download will be the same as the original paper publication. Some early papers have yet to be uploaded. If any researcher finds that the one they need is not yet available, please contact our Editor who will endeavour to scan and upload a copy as soon as possible.

Not only are these papers made available free of charge but we do not require users to register with us nor to go through any other administrative process. We do not consider this necessary. We are able to collect the information that we need to measure visitor numbers in other, non-obtrusive ways.

If you wish to be notified when the next edition is published, email the Editor and your name will be added to our subscriber list.

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