UBSS Proceedings 15(3)

Content Summary

Secretaries' Report, 1979 - 80
British cave diving accidents
A description is given of cave diving accidents to British cave divers between 1946 and 1978. Eleven fatal accidents are described, of which the causes are generally multifactorial. Thirty-four non-fatal accidents are also mentioned and described under causal headings; it is shown that equipment failure or guide-line problems were present in 27 of these. During the 22 year period from 1957 to 1978 there were seven fatal accidents affecting cave divers in cave dives in the British Ilses. During the same period it is estimated that 4338 man-cave-dives were undertaken, giving a death rate per man-dive of 0.161%. During 1976 the British Sub-Aqua Club (B.S-A.C.) Recorded 5 deaths in a total of 437,863 man-open-water-dives, a death rate of 0.0011%. This difference is highly significant. Som eof the methods of preventing accidents, or of correcting them, are discussed.
Karst waters of the Ingleborough area, North Yorkshire
Ref: UBSS Proceedings, 15(3), pp 183-205
This introductory paper reviews the environmental factors influencing the karts geo-hydrology of the Ingleborough area. Subsurface water sampling revealed that although mean calcium carbonate hardnesses varied little with depth, variability of hardness did decrease with depth. The results of surface water sampling are used to classify the major risings in the area into major resurgences, smaller risings with mean calcium carbonate contents of 100 to 200ppm., risings with mean calcium carbonate contents in excess of 200ppm. with high calcium carbonate content variability and similar sites with low calcium carbonate content variability. Flowthrough times of around one day for most conduit-flow waters and 30 to 40 days for the majority of diffuse-flow waters are suggested and the importance of flood pulses is outlined. The results are drawn together to give a model of as typical karst system in the region and avenues for further work are outlined.
E.K. Tratman - Bibliography
Ref: UBSS Proceedings, 15(3), pp 207-218
A attempt is made to present a complete bibliography of the writings of Edgar Kingsley Tratman (1899-1978).
Merck's Rhinoceros from Worlebury Hill, Weston-super-Mare, Avon
The discovery of Merck’s rhinoceros in a swallet on Worlebury Hill, Weston-super-Mare, Avon is recorded and a Hoxnian, Middle Pleistocene age suggested.
Geomorphology and sediments of Aillwee cave, Co. Clare, Ireland
Ref: UBSS Proceedings, 15(3), pp 227-240
Aillwee Cave, now over 1 km in length, is the most extensive cave thus far discovered on the high Burren. The cave is developed along a clay wayboard in the middle Asbian limestones and consists of a phreatic roof tube with a deep vadose trench below. Extensive rock fall and subsequent fluvial deposition occurred late in the history of the cave and the system is now almost fossil.
Hawthorn Cave, Co. Clare, Ireland
Ref: UBSS Proceedings, 15(3), pp 241-244
A description and survey of the cave is given. The water resurges in a closed depression and sinks soon after to become a tributary of Pollballiny
The caves of Oughtdarra, Co. Clare, Ireland
A description is given of the caves and resurgences in the area of study, the Oughtdarra Basin on the south-western flank of Knockauns Mountain. It is proposed that both the Basin and the caves are sub-glacial in origin. The reurgences are a recent development.
Porth yr Ogof, Ystradfellte, Powys: A revised survey.
Authors: Lloyd, O.C.
Ref: UBSS Proceedings, 15(3), pp 259-0
This revised survey includes all discoveries made since the publication of the original version in 1970.
Review - Man and other animals in Australian caves and shelters: A review by J.N. Jennings
Authors: Hawkes, C.J.
Ref: UBSS Proceedings, 15(3), pp 261-0