UBSS Proceedings 22(1), pp 53-80

Brean Down Sand Cliff Revisited: Pleistocene Stratification
Authors: ApSimon, A.M.
Ref: UBSS Proceedings, 22(1), pp 53-80
Pleistocene and Holocene deposits at Brean Down, Somerset, England, span the period from the beginning of the Devensian, the last glacial stage, to the present day. The paper discusses additional evidence for the interpretation of the Pleistocene deposits, correlated now with Oxygen Isotope Stages 4 to 2. Supposed bone artifacts are discussed and concluded to be wholly naturally modified, not artifacts. The interpretation of the Maritime-style Bell Beaker find is discussed and it is concluded that the associated radiocarbon date cannot safely be used to date it. Additional information and finds bearing on the Bronze Age and later deposits are also presented.

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