UBSS Proceedings 24(1), pp 5-15

A temporary section in head at Bourne, Burrington, Somerset
Head (alluvial fan) deposits exposed in 1977 at Bourne near the mouth of Burrington Combe are attributed to two distinct cold periods, one before the Ipswichian Interglacial (Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 5e) and one during the Late Devensian (MIS 2). The Ipswichian (and possibly earlier interglacials) is represented by reddened, clay-enriched soil horizons (paleo-argillic B horizons) developed in decalcified upper parts of the coarse flood gravels and coversand, which together constitute the older Head. The younger Head is thinner and consists of stony loams derived partly from the older Head, but also incorporating Late Devensian loess.

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