UBSS Proceedings 26(1), pp 73-83

The survey of Cathole Cave, Gower Peninsula, South Wales
In September 2010 one of the authors (GHN) discovered a Late Upper Palaeolithic engraving of a cervid in Cathole Cave on the Gower peninsula in South Wales. The cave site has been designated a Scheduled Monument (GM 349). As part of the remit to record this and other features within the cave, the Welsh heritage agency CADW commissioned a 3D digital survey of the main galley and side chambers of the cave. Data from this exercise allowed the production of an accurate plan of the south-western section of the cave to be made. However, due to technical constraints, the northern and north-eastern section of the cave could not be digitally surveyed. In July 2012 one of the authors (GHN) accompanied a small team of archaeologists and completed the survey, the results of this work reported in this paper.

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