Cheddar Catchment Area Survey

This project also arose from the need to support a geomorphological study, this time owing to the major finds that have been made in Charterhouse Cave since 2008. Again, this has been a collaborative project drawing on the work of many Mendip surveyors and clubs. It is also intended to add to this dataset as more information becomes available and to make it as comprehensive as possible. The current version includes cave finds and surveys to the end of 2017. Archive data is being added as it becomes available and is transcribed.

File downloads

All of these files are released under a Creative Commons license.

The Cheddar Catchment Area Survey “Survex” 3D file compiled by UBSS.

A more complex and therefore larger file is also available for viewing using only the “Therion” viewer. This model remains very much “work in progress” and is being updated and improved as our dataset is added to and improved. The Cheddar Catchment Area Survey “Therion” 3D file compiled by UBSS Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2010

The latest plan version of Charterhouse, Tyning’s Great Swallet and G.B. in pdf format.

The Gough’s Cave Survey (to 2013) plan and elevation of the dry cave and downstream sumps in pdf format.

The Gough’s Cave Survey (to 2015) plan and elevation of the whole cave in pdf format.

The latest (December 2013) version of the Reservoir Hole and White Spot Cave survey in pdf format.

The 2004 survey of Tyning’s Great Swallet in pdf format.

The 2011 survey of Palmer’s Cave in pdf format.

The 2011 survey of White Spot Cave in pdf format.

The 2012 survey of The Whitebeam Slitter Caves in pdf format.

The 2013 survey of Cooper’s Hole in pdf format.

The 2013 survey of Gough’s Old Cave in pdf format.

The 2013 survey of Great Oone’s Hole in pdf format.

The 2013 survey of Long Hole in pdf format.

The 2013 survey of Bowery Corner Swallet in pdf format.

The 2014 survey of Spider Hole in pdf format.

The 2016 survey of Pig’s Hole in pdf format.

The 2017 survey of Sun Hole in pdf format.

The BCA Data Repository is trackable here. We are grateful to all those listed below for freely sharing their data in this way.

Some statistical queries of the original data can be made on this page. It would be useful to receive feedback as to how useful users find these queries and what similar questions you might also find useful.


The original data comes from the sources listed below. Plans based on this data have been published in some cases and the references are given with links where available. This is not a comprehensive list of previous published surveys, but only those based on parts of this dataset.

  • Attborough Swallet: Data by kind courtesy of Trevor Hughes.
  • Blackmoor Swallet, or Stainsby’s Shaft: Data by kind courtesy of Alan Gray.
  • Bone Hole: Data by kind courtesy of MCG and Andrew Atkinson.
  • Bowery Corner Swallet: Data by kind courtesy of Andrew Atkinson and Henry Dawson.
  • Charterhouse Cave: Data from P. & A. Moody and the Charterhouse digging team Pete Moody, Alison Moody, Pete Hann, John Cooper, Andrew Atkinson and Simon Flower. Plan originally published in 1984.
  • Cooper’s Hole: This survey by Andrew Atkinson and Clive Owen.
  • G.B. Cave: Data from UBSS, plans originally published by UBSS in 1951, 1969 and 1984. Ladder Dig extensions have been resurveyed and redrawn by Andrew Atkinson.
  • Gough’s Cave: Surveyed by UBSS/CDG 2010/11.
  • Gough’s Old Cave, Long Hole and Great Oones Hole: originally surveyed by W.I. Stanton. Available from Mendip Cave Registry and Archive. The above surveys are new and were completed 2013-15 by a team led by Andrew Atkinson.
  • Grebe Swallet: Data from W.I. Stanton, plans originally published by UBSS in 1991.
  • Longwood Swallet: Originally surveyed by MCG, drawn by Mike Rennie in 1961 and revised by Tony Knibbs in 1984. Available from Mendip Cave Registry and Archive. Digitised by Phil Rowsell; Reynolds Passage digitised by Alex Crowe.
  • Manor Farm Swallet: Originally surveyed by W.I. Stanton and published in 1974. Additional data supplied by P.L. Smart & T.C. Atkinson and a revised plan was published in 1999. Data on the 2010 extensions and including the Rifts and Ruckles kindly supplied by Phil Rowsell. This dataset does not include Sarum Inlet, discovered and surveyed by the Salisbury Caving Group.
  • Palmer’s Cave (Tynings Field Dig): Surveyed by Andrew Atkinson and Alison Moody 2011.
  • Reservoir Hole: By courtesy of the Tuesday Diggers & UBSS.
  • Rhino Rift: Originally surveyed by W.I. Stanton and published by WCC. This is original data kindly provided by Phil Rowsell.
  • Spider Hole: Surveyed by Andrew Atkinson, Pete Hann and Adrian Vanderplank 2011.
  • Totty Pot: Surveyed by UBSS 2005.
  • Tynings Barrows Swallet: Originally surveyed by BEC and GSG, drawn by D.J. Irwin and published by BEC. Available from Mendip Cave Registry and Archive. Digitised by Alex Crowe and Andrew Atkinson.
  • Tynings Great Swallet: Data from Tony Boycott. Survey originally published in 2005.
  • Upper Flood Swallet: All data by kind courtesy of the MCG. The original survey is available from their website.
  • Waterwheel Swallet: Data from W.I. Stanton, plans originally published by UBSS in 1987.
  • Whitebeam Slitter Cave and nearby caves: This survey by Andrew Atkinson, Tony Boycott, Alison Moody and Clive Owen.
  • White Spot Cave: Surveyed by Andrew Atkinson and Graham Mullan 2011.
  • Wigmore Swallet: Data by kind courtesy of Trevor Hughes and Chris Jewell.
  • The surface survey has been generated by Mike McCombe’s TerrainTool; additional information from Bill Chadwick.

Thanks are due to all the above. Most of the technical stuff has been done by Andrew Atkinson; Graham Mullan typed in much of the archive date.