University of Bristol Spelæological Society

2010 Expedition to the Kameno-More region, Montenegro: Further exploration in cave Pistet 4 (UBSS Proceedings v.25(2))

Proceedings » Volume 25 » Sub-volume 2

Binding,C.J., 2011. 2010 Expedition to the Kameno-More region, Montenegro: Further exploration in cave Pistet 4. UBSS Proceedings, 25(2) , pp 125-131 Download PDF.

Abstract: A summary is presented of a second multi-club expedition to the Kameno-More region, 'Sea of Rock', of Montenegro to continue exploration of Pištet 4 and resolve questions that remained from the 2009 expedition. In 2009 a short, muddy pitch at the base of impressive mud banks approximately 20 m high marked the limit of exploration although a large chamber appeared visible ahead. The 2010 expedition successfully reached that chamber, which mostly comprised a significant sand dune approximately 50 m x 20 m in a large collecting chamber with a side stream passage leading to three pitches and a second smaller sand dune chamber ending in a sump.

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