University of Bristol Spelæological Society

A gazeteer of vertebrate remains from caves in the Yorkshire Dales referenced in caving club journals and allied literature (UBSS Proceedings v.25(2))

Proceedings » Volume 25 » Sub-volume 2

Murphy,P.J., 2011. A gazeteer of vertebrate remains from caves in the Yorkshire Dales referenced in caving club journals and allied literature. UBSS Proceedings, 25(2) , pp 253-264 Download PDF.

Abstract: This gazetteer contains a summary of information about caves in the Yorkshire Dales from which vertebrate remains have been recorded in the caving literature. It was first published in the now defunct on line journal CAPRA (Cave Archaeology and Palaeontology Research Archive) in 2002 with revision in 2004. This version has been revised and updated to include a further 9 sites. The area covered is that of the three current volumes of the Northern Caves guide book series (Brook, et al. 1988, Brook et al. 1991 and Brook et al. 1994) excluding Morecambe bay, North York Moors and Magnesian limestone caves.

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