University of Bristol Spelæological Society

Fifth Report on Read's Cavern (UBSS Proceedings v.2(2))

Proceedings » Volume 2 » Sub-volume 2

Tratman,E.K., 1924. Fifth Report on Read's Cavern. UBSS Proceedings, 2(2) , pp 125-127 Download PDF.

Abstract: Since the last report little work has been done in this Cave, as excavations of greater importance have had to be given preference. There are now practically no untouched areas in the cave left to be excavated. The hearth area at B.40 and B.41 has now been fully explored, but has yielded no additional remains of importance : the hearth site is, however, important as it is the only instance in the whole cave, as at present explored, in which a made hearth has been found. Throughout the rest of the cave the fires had been lighted on the rock floor, though it is possible that a small quantity of clay had been introduced in the region of E.20 and E.2l to fill up small hollows. Again small stones seem to have been used to cover over cracks in the floor which is composed of accumulations of fallen masses from the roof and walls of the cave. This use of small stones cannot be definitely asserted.

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