University of Bristol Spelæological Society

The Late Pleistocene sequence at Wells, Somerset (UBSS Proceedings v.18(2))

Proceedings » Volume 18 » Sub-volume 2

Donovan,D.T., 1988. The Late Pleistocene sequence at Wells, Somerset. UBSS Proceedings, 18(2) , pp 241-257 Download PDF.

Abstract: Late Quaternary deposits and geomorphological features within a radius of about 4 km of Wells, Somerset, England are reviewed. The earliest well dated occurrence is the Hippopotamus fauna from Milton Hill, assigned to the warm interglacial episode corresponding to Oxygen Isotope stage 5e in deep sea cores. The dissected Keward gravel is thought to be older, perhaps O.I.S. 6. The Wookey Hole ravine developed during the early part of the last glaciation (O.I.S. 5?), the Ebbor gorge later (O.I.S. 3?) The Wells and Wookey Station gravel spreads, the former with woolly rhinoceros and ?mammoth are correlated with the maximum glacial advance of the Late Devensian.

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