University of Bristol Spelæological Society

Martel's visit to Mendip in 1904: Part of his international strategy (UBSS Proceedings v.18(2))

Proceedings » Volume 18 » Sub-volume 2

Shaw,T.R., 1988. Martel's visit to Mendip in 1904: Part of his international strategy. UBSS Proceedings, 18(2) , pp 278-291 Download PDF.

Abstract: On June 14th and 15th 1904, Martel visited the caves at Cheddar and Wookey Hole and also saw other cave entrances and karst features on the Mendip Hills in Somerset. He noted particularly the way that caves there were entered by digging, the significance of the Dolomitic Conglomerate in determining the age of some of the caves and the subsidence of Wells Cathedral supposedly caused by St. Andrews Well. His visit is examined in the wider context of his deliberate 'internationalisation' of cave studies.

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