University of Bristol Spelæological Society

Preliminary report on a recent collection of stone artefacts from the '100 foot Terrace' at Abbots Leigh, Avon (UBSS Proceedings v.19(1))

Proceedings » Volume 19 » Sub-volume 1

Cornish,A.P., and Hack,B., 1991. Preliminary report on a recent collection of stone artefacts from the '100 foot Terrace' at Abbots Leigh, Avon. UBSS Proceedings, 19(1) , pp 33-41 Download PDF.

Abstract: Fieldwalking has yielded a considerable collection of stone artefacts from Chapel Pill Farm, Abbots Leigh, a site previously described by Lacaille (1954). The collection appears to be derived wholly from locally available material (predominantly chert) and despite differential preservation (some pieces are abraded while others are fresh) appears not to be transported other than by solifluction. Unlike other collections containing Lower Palaeolithic artefacts, a very wide range of tools is present including burins, awls, scrapers, choppers, handaxes and hammerstones.

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