University of Bristol Spelæological Society

The Flora of Poulnagollum Pot, Co. Clare, Ireland (UBSS Proceedings v.23(1))

Proceedings » Volume 23 » Sub-volume 1

Pilkington,S., 2004. The Flora of Poulnagollum Pot, Co. Clare, Ireland. UBSS Proceedings, 23(1) , pp 27-34 Download PDF.

Abstract: A survey of the entrance pitch of Poulnagollum Pot found several distinctive vegetation sub-communities occupying different biophysical zones. These communities were found to be in stark contrast to the vegetation on the nearby surface, being defined by a rich variety of mosses, liverworts and woodland field-layer plants, and resembling the field and ground layers of semi-natural Ash climax woodland. After analysis of data collected in 2002, it was suggested that variation in the vegetation sub-communities was attributable to local but significant differences in soil reaction and water availability.

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