University of Bristol Spelæological Society

Banwell Bone and Stalactite Caves 1757 - 1826 (UBSS Proceedings v.20(3))

Proceedings » Volume 20 » Sub-volume 3

Irwin,D.J., and Richards,C., 1996. Banwell Bone and Stalactite Caves 1757 - 1826. UBSS Proceedings, 20(3) , pp 201-213 Download PDF.

Abstract: The popular belief that William Beard played a large part in the opening of Banwell Bone and Stalactite Caves is examined in the light of contemporary material, largely previously unpublished, and on the basis the discovery of a letter written in 1829. As a result it is concluded that Beard was not involved with the opening of these caves. The date of exploration of the caves is clarified as September 1824 and an account is given of some early visits to the caves.

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