University of Bristol Spelæological Society

Cave Notes: County Clare and County Galway, Ireland, 1996 (UBSS Proceedings v.20(3))

Proceedings » Volume 20 » Sub-volume 3

Boycott,A., Mullan,G.J., and Wilson,L.J., 1996. Cave Notes: County Clare and County Galway, Ireland, 1996. UBSS Proceedings, 20(3) , pp 215-235 Download PDF.

Abstract: Since the publication of the last Cave Notes (Boycott et al, 1991) there have been further discoveries in County Clare and County Galway, which are detailed below. The caves are grouped geographically in order corresponding to the chapters in Caves of County Clare (Self, 1981) and are listed alphabetically within each group. The grid references refer to the distance in centimetres east and north respectively from the Southwest corner of the relevant 1 : 10560 series maps. The Green Holes can be located on sheet 8A, published with sheet 14; grid references on this sheet are measured from the Southwest corner of the inset sheet 8A and not that of sheet 14. A convenient point of reference is the tower on Crab Island: Clare 8A, E17.25, N25.15. As 1 : 50000 series maps with the Irish National Grid shown are now available, grid references in this form are also given. However as these maps are not of a sufficiently large scale to enable small cave entrance to be accurately located, both systems will continue to be used. New sites are listed with alternative names, if any, and townland (Td.) together with length, depth and altitude where appropriate. These are given for previously known sites only where a change has occurred.

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