University of Bristol Spelæological Society

Fourth interim report on the survey and excavations in the Wye Valley, 1996 (UBSS Proceedings v.20(3))

Proceedings » Volume 20 » Sub-volume 3

Barton,R.N.E., 1996. Fourth interim report on the survey and excavations in the Wye Valley, 1996. UBSS Proceedings, 20(3) , pp 263-273 Download PDF.

Abstract: This paper details the continuing investigation of caves and rockshelters in the Upper Wye Valley. Excavations near the entrance of King Arthur's Cave have revealed a well-preserved sequence of Lateglacial-Postglacial deposits containing Late Upper Palaeolithic artefacts and fauna. Finds of Bronze Age pottery and Later Mesolithic artefacts are reported from the North Alcove of the Second Chamber, inside the cave. A new survey of Merlin's Cave has found intact sediments on the cave walls enabling the collection of samples of microfaunal remains and human bone for dating purposes. The results of work at four other sites, one of which has produced evidence of prehistoric flintwork and fauna are also summarised .

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