University of Bristol Spelæological Society

Irish Caves Database

We have hosted the Irish Caves Database produced by Trinity College, Dublin since 2006.
Click here for the searchable database and for the project explanation.

This database is now quite out of date and is currently undergoing revision and reconstruction. the revised and fully updated version will appear on these pages as soon as it is in a usable form. It is hoped that it will include a comprehensive list of Irish cave sites with links to a comprehensive bibliography.

In the mean time, two GIS maps showing part of the work to date can be found at these links:

The first of these includes cave sites in the southern and western counties of Ireland, mainly the area coverd by our recent book The Caves of Mid-West Ireland and the volume currently in preparation The Caves of southern Ireland.

The second shows all recorded sites in Co. Clare and includes cave surveys where available. The Coolagh River Cave and Cullaun 1, for example, are both currently the subject of complete resurveying projects and the data is thus incomplete.

Click on a cave location marker to see more detailed information about that site. Using the drop-down menu on the right it is possible to toggle between a Bing Maps aerial photography background and an OpenTopoMap background. These options are at the bottom of that rather annoying clunky menu. Tick the one you want and untick the other. The latter is a version of the well known OpenStreetMap but with more topographical detail.

Many sites on these maps are shown at positions different from those listed in The Caves of Mid-West Ireland. We have been working to improve and refine our data since the book was published so, in these cases, the location on the map should be taken to be more accurate than the one in the book.


The database and maps contains information that has been collected and collated over a long period of time from many different sources. The Society makes no claim as to the accuracy or completeness of these records. The use of the information is free to all, but the Society accepts no responsibility for how the content is used. The Society cannot and will not respond to specific enquiries about specific properties or parcels of land. The Society is not able to provide any form of service for house buyers or sellers, their surveyors or their legal representatives nor can the Society assist with the interpretation of the information contained here.

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