Site accessibility
Whilst we have endeavoured to make the site as accessible as possible, time constraints do limit our reach. All font sizes are relative and should be easily increased or
decreased using browser the menus:
View->Text Size->Increase/decrease.
The site has been semantically written, so if you remove all stylesheet (or have a browser that does not support stylesheets) each page should still make sense and present information in the order of relevence.
WAI Standards
The rating of 'AA' using the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) standards necessitates manual checking of every page on the site. All pages should reach these standards, but if we have slipped up anywhere
please contact the
webmaster so we can amend any pages that slipped through our fingers!
We do acknowledge that the gallery is not fully accessible and are currently considering solutions.
Layout and contrast
We are aware some users may have limited screen sizes or find the colour combinations on the site either too contrasty or too samey. Additional stylesheets that will
give users more control over the appearance of the siteare currently being written; we'll make these available as soon as possible.
Any feedback on accessibility would be appreciated - please drop the
webmaster an email if there is something you would like us to know.